The Adventures of
Ethel Steinmetz Marmont
The Adventures of Vicant the Venomous brings to life the mischievous escapades of a gigantic spider named Vicant and his spider-wife Vincenza. Whether it’s their dramatic entrance into Ryan’s life or their sneaky adventures in his school, this charmingly wicked pair of spiders knows how to stir up trouble!
Through fun, laughter, and a touch of suspense, the story takes readers on a journey filled with surprises, from milk-splashed cereal bowls to encounters with the Speaker of the House. It’s not just about spiders—it’s about how we can find friendship in unexpected places and learn to appreciate the world of creatures around us.
Characters You'll Meet
- Vicant – A not-so-friendly but fascinating spider who’s always plotting something mischievous. He may be venomous, but there’s more to him than meets the eye.
- Vincenza – Vicant’s spider-wife, equally large, hairy, and wickedly clever. Together, they form a formidable team.
- Ryan – The young boy who first encounters Vicant under his bed, only to be faced with unexpected spider-filled adventures throughout his life.
- Aunt Lori – Ryan's well-meaning but spider-fearing aunt, who adds her own brand of chaos
Public Service Announcement from the Author
Real spiders are our friends and play an important role in nature! While Vicant the Venomous may be a troublemaker, the real-world spiders help keep insect populations in check. Most spiders are harmless, and if you find one, don’t be afraid—just admire it from a safe distance!
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Available in paperback, hardcover, and digital formats—be sure to grab your copy of The Adventures of Vicant the Venomous today!